Portland Goldendoodle Puppies All Grown Up
Charlie - Fancy & Falkor's 2021 Litter
Charlie did so amazing last night. He slept from 8ish to 1, we went potty and slept till 430. He loved his greek yogurt and food. We played till 6 and now he is resting again until the crew wake up 🥰. Thank you again for our sweet man. We gave Lucy a chewie while Charlie slept and she was happy as can be.
Tuckered out after a play session. He’s my little living Velcro. I love it
Charlie is having fun catching rays at the beach. He is so cool. We started puppy class at wonder puppy and he was the most well behaved out of the 6 puppies

Tobi aka Candy Man - Fancy & Falkor's 2021 Litter
Tobi (aka candy man) is fitting in amazingly. He is such a sweet guy with lots of character. He very much enjoys sleeping on my head, playing with his carrot, and annoying my family dog Bentley.
He is such a good boy and very well behaved he will make a great service dog and I am so excited for all our adventures!

Daphne aka Veruca Salt - Fancy & Falkor's 2021 Litter
We love seeing the updates of the other puppies on instagram and we wanted to share ours!
Miss Daphne also known as Veruca Salt has completely stolen our hearts. She so lovable, funny, and charming. We are all in love with her and everyone who meets her falls in love and wants to take her home with them. She is really silly and loves flowers and playing with her fellow dog siblings.
She is also so incredibly smart and has been picking up her commands so quickly. We are so thank for her and we are thankful to you for allowing us the opportunity to be her family! Attached is some pictures and a video of our sweet girl!

King aka Good Luck - Fancy & Falkor's 2019 Litter
King is doing great, so far. He was a little shy and quiet the first couple of days (I guess he was missing his mom, dad and litter mates) but he is now enjoying our family and we're loving him!
King had his first vet appointment yesterday and he did great. The vet gave him his vaccines and did some fecal testing and said he is very healthy. He weighed in at around 13lbs so he's growing fast!
The house training is going well. He's only had a few accidents. Right now I put him to bed next to me at around 11pm (after taking him out for a pee) and then I get up at 5am to take him outside and I've never had an accident overnight!
The first couple of days of sleeping in our room, I would hear him get up and leave his bed and I'd get up and redirect him to his bed. Now, I always find him in his bed, except that he usually has a sock or two that he must get in the middle of the night from the laundry basket I keep in our room, which I think is hilarious.
He loves running up and down the hallway as we throw toys for him to fetch. He also loves the fire hydrant in our street. We have had a few puppy play dates and he has so much fun with other puppies.
I don't leave the house much without King, but when I do leave him, he does well. He whined the first couple of times I left, but he's much better now.
King is doing great. He is so much fun and funny at the same time.

Bear aka Day Dream - Fancy & Falkor's 2019 Litter
We named him Bear and he has been such a joy in our lives, especially through this last year!
He's the sweetest boy, and has really grown into his name- he weighs about 80 pounds and is about as tall as Meghan when he stands on his hind legs.
He loves exploring the outdoors on hikes and at the beach, but he also loves snuggling on the couch with all of the pillows and blankets just as much! He is healthy and we feel so lucky to have a dog like him in our lives.
How We Raise Our Goldendoodle Puppies
We are the only small breeding program in Portland, Oregon who own all generations of grandparents & parents. Our dogs are well socialized, trained, loved and raised with quality care as our family pets and breeding stock.
We are passionate about raising healthy, adjusted, well behaved emotionally stable dogs. We highly believe in active enrichment for all our dogs. Puppies get to experience it all at the right times in the right amounts. Our goldendoodle puppies are raised in the center of our home. No Garages! No Barns! No Kennels! We are hands on, with active enrichment and our puppies are handled 24/7 using the puppy culture method.
We introduce stimuli, noises, different types of surfaces to desensitize our puppies so they adjust better to new environments and eventually your home! Our puppies are trained to potty on piddle pads and eventually outside using the doggy door during the day. In the evening or when it is too hot or cold outside they still know to use the piddle pads to take care of business. Your puppy will know all of the basic commands and we work with them daily to train them on voice commands and body language. By the time our puppies are ready to go to their new forever homes they will know how to sit, lay down, rollover, come and shake. We use special puppy culture techniques to train them starting from the time they are 3 weeks young!
We have an extensive application process to make sure your family is the right fit to raise one of our highly intelligent & social goldendoodle puppies. When they are ready to go home we send them off with a contract to protect the puppy and a huge "puppy pack" full of toys, food, treats, leash & harness, blanket, poop bags, & so much more!
The popular designer breed known as Goldendoodle is a hypbrid of Standard Poodle and Golden Retriever. They are recognized to be outstanding family pets and assistance dogs. Human companionship is very important to this breed. Goldendoodles are the ideal service dog and are considered very intelligent along with gentle, loving nature.
If you are interested in adopting one of our goldendoodle puppies please fill out the free Puppy Application Form.
Follow our Goldendoodle Puppy Facebook Page for all current photos & video's.
If you are interested in adopting one of our rare multi-gen goldendoodle puppies, please fill out the application here.