Goldendoodle Puppies
4th generation goldendoodle puppies from Fancy & Falkor have arrived! 10 Puppies total, 6 Boys and 4 Girls. This is their 1st litter together. Our goldendoodle puppies have beautiful Blue/Green/Hazel eyes with non-shedding coats and 100% hypo-allergenic. When full grown they will be about 55-60 pounds. Click Here to Apply for one of our Goldendoodle Puppies from Fancy & Falkors Parti Litter. Updated 3/13/18
This sweet Boy is Available for Adoption - Discounted Price

Fancy & Falkor had their first litter together, creating beautiful blue/green eyed - parti mix - 4th generation purebred goldendoodle puppies! All puppies are adopted and raised "free range" and housebroken. They have been trained at 4 weeks to come, sit and shake for a treat. We are a small doodle breeder and own all of the adults since they were puppies. We raise our puppies with un-conditional love and attention, producing the best tempermant, cognitive development, coordination and socialization skills. Many of our adopted puppies have been therapy certified as service dogs! Click Here to reserve your pick placement for our next litter of Multi-Generation Goldendoodle Puppies.
Click Here for more Information and Pictures of this beautiful boy!
Follow our Goldendoodle Puppy Facebook Page for all current photos & video's.
100% Non-Shedding & Hypoallergenic 4th Generation Goldendoodle Puppies are all adopted. Both F3- 3rd Gen parents are my furry children. Falkor was born from Blitza & Klutch's second litter, so he has been with us since birth. Fancy has been with us since she was 8 weeks old. Sire of the litter (Falkor) is 2.5 years old with a gorgeous hazel eyes he inherited from his mother Blitza. His mate Fancy The is 2 years old with gorgeous blue/green & golden eyes, inherited from her chocolate goldendoodle parents.
Puppies are very healthy & extremely smart. In fact they start going potty on their piddle pads outside of the whelping box at 3 weeks!!!
Full grown puppies will be between 55-60 pounds & absolutley 100% non-shedding coats
These puppies are very well socialized. I own my own website development & marketing business working from home so our puppies are always very well looked after & tons of play time. We do not have many litters often (about once a year) as we are a "family breeder" and own all 4 of the parents. Our puppies have free roam of the puppy proofed house and are very comfortable in all kinds of surroundings. Potty training starts on the piddle pads then outside in our very large fenced backyard.
If you are looking for the highest quality of dog, with the best temperament, social skills, intelligence & amazing personalities you have found it.
Puppies will be fully potty trained to go on piddle pads & outside, treat trained, voice trained - with first round of shots, well-vet with record of health certificate.
$500 Deposit reserves your puppy for Fancy & Falkor's litter & your pick placement.
There are currently 6 puppies still available for wonderful & loving homes.
Fancy's & Falkor's First Litter of 10 Parti Goldendoodle Puppies

Burgundy Boy aka Yoshi
Medium size with wavy coat
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Laid back, social and loves to explore
Adopted - Kuhns Family

Tangerine Boy aka Marley
Larger muzzle and body type
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Very calm, social and interactive

White Girl aka Bailey
Small with white patch on chest and chin
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Very playful, social and outgoing
Adopted - Jackson Family

Fuchsia Girl
Smallest in the litter with a wavy coat
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Mellow, playful and super sweet
Adopted - Berry-Maraist Family

Peach Girl aka Harlow
Two white socks and white patch on chest
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Alpha, Very playful, social and outgoing
Adopted - Prevost Family

Black Boy aka Remington
Largest in the litter
Green Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Very calm, smart and super sweet
Adopted - Callow Family

Turqouise Boy aka Charlie Brown
Larger mussle and body type
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Very calm, social and interactive
Adopted - Hoffman Family

Emerald Boy aka Oliver
Wavy coat and medium size
Green Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Very calm, playful and loves to stare into your eyes!
Adopted - Mizuta Family

Gold Boy aka Maui
Wavy coat with a white chest patch and back sock
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Loves to explore, social and outgoing
Adopted - Mathur Family

Violet Girl aka Marlow
Smallest in the litter with a curly coat
Blue Eyes - Will turn Hazel as an Adult
Loves her belly rubbed and super sweet
Adopted - Moore Family
Click on the links below to see past litters
2nd Litter of Goldendoodle Puppies
1st Litter of Goldendoodle Puppies
If you are local to Portland or the surrounding cities in Oregon you can come visit any Sunday with an advanced appointment.
Follow our Goldendoodle Puppy Facebook Page for all current photos & video's.
If you are interested in adopting one of our rare multi-gen goldendoodle puppies, please fill out the application here.